Sunday, July 24, 2011

Numbers Game

Hoping to get in a few more posts this week...but in the meantime you can read some of my recent highlights...

2: The number of grey hairs this last year has incurred in my head. Previously I had 0, so I am very upset by this. 

2.5: Weeks I was sick with some undetermined virus. I have just regained the ability to run without having my lymph nodes swell and my fever return.

3: The number of scientists it takes to get an overstuffed full-length couch through a standard screen door. This weekend I learned that if that couch can go through that door, anything is possible. 

3: Also the number of times I have been directly asked by random citizens of my new town if I am a student at my University...which is followed directly by them directly stating that I don't look old enough to be faculty. In their defense, I've always been moving or in the process of moving and wearing gym clothes and no makeup.

4: The number of days until my current boss returns, takes back control of his own lab, and releases me to be my own boss. This cannot come quickly enough. 

5: The number of days until my summer student is done. She finished her research paper, and this week she has to purify her last protein, make a poster, and do her oral and poster presentations. Busy busy!

6: The number of freezer boxes I think I'll be bringing with me from my old job to my new job. Isn't it crazy that an entire research program fits in 6 4x4x1 boxes?

7: The number of days that I could not stomach the idea of alcohol after my going-away party. Thanks for coming out everyone!

8:  The number of miles I'm going to attempt to run on a treadmill this afternoon. Why a treadmill? See the next number.

9: The number of days in a row that the temperature has been godawful and made it both painful and dangerous to run outside.

16: Weekdays left on my contract....7: The number of days I'll actually work if the world doesn't end up exploding. Yes, I negotiated this prior to the contract.

21: The number of days the government in my new (and old) home state was suspended due to political deadlock. Also the number of days that I didn't know if I'd be able to start my job in August.

40: The number of miles to the nearest Trader Joe's from my new place. This is still closer than it was in Iowa.

66: The number of unread items in my Google Reader. Gotta get reading!

What do your numbers look like this week?

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